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Writer's pictureIndia Stone

Let’s Talk Talent - The PPA

(Personal Profile Analysis Psychometric Assessment)

We’d bet our bottom dollar (or Rand) that you only read the first two words breaking down what ‘PPA’ actually means. Right? Wrong? Don’t worry, you haven’t hurt our feelings if this is the case, we promise!

This blog casts a bird’s eye view on what the PPA actually does, where it can potentially add value to both your organisation and yourself, as well as a sprinkling of an overview on its origination.

So, what on earth is the PPA?

First things first, here’s a little background into why we back it as a ‘talent tool’ so heavily. In collaboration with Thomas International, we make use of the PPA to provide accurate assessments of how people tend to behave in the workplace. The PPA enables us to gain individual insights into potential strengths, limitations, communication styles, areas of value add, motivations, fears and behaviour under pressure.

Oh goodness, what will it say about me?

In a very tiny nutshell, the PPA focuses on 4 domains – Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance. These factors are mapped out against working strengths as well as support factors. All of the profiles can be (and are) excellent leaders, and the PPA is a powerful point of reference for deeper self-understanding in this regard:

1. Dominance

High Dominance profiles tend to be motivated by power and authority and have a determination to drive results. They’re assertive and direct, whilst also being inquisitive self-starters.

2. Influence

High Influence profiles often very much enjoy working with and through people, and for this reason, their basic fear is rejection. They’re open, talkative, impressionable and relatable networkers.

3. Steadiness

High Steadiness profiles tend to be excellent listeners who’d bend over backwards for their team members and peers. They can bring immense value to organisations with their distinguished detail.

4. Compliance

High Compliance profiles are accurate, logical and the ultimate perfectionists. It’s also not then surprising that their basic fear is conflict, as they behave to ensure everything is where it should be.

Are you trying to guess which profile most suits you? Yep, we thought so!


How does it work, then?

Participating team members receive a link to an 8-minute questionnaire where they are asked to rate various scenarios against a “very unlikely” to “very likely” scale. From there, we’ll be able to analyse the responses into a graph which will give us clarity on each unique participant’s workplace behaviour. Although we’ll generate a report which can be kept by either the team member or the organisation (or both), we deliver all feedback verbally (often via Zoom face-to-face) so that we can help participants to fully understand and work through any questions which they may have (and 9 times out of 10, there are plenty of questions to unpack together).

What value could it potentially add to my organisation?

The PPA allows you an insight into finding/retaining the most suitable and high-performing team members to solidify your company culture and drive your organisation forward. It’s an incredible self-realisation and growth tool. Top talent can get a view into how they operate and opportunities to improve their own performance – in the workplace but also in their daily lives.

Further to that you can;

- Improve team performance with an insight into how you can spend less time managing your under-performers and focus more on those who will drive your business forward.

- Identify key players who can possibly add even more value when placed into a different role.

- Utilise the PPA during recruitment, as it plays a powerful role (saving you serious time and investment) to ensure that you have the best possible behavioural fit for the role.

Is there a science behind it?

Developed in the early 1960’s by Dr. William Marston, the PPA theory has been registered and tested by the British Psychological Society and the European Federation of Psychologists Association. Today, it can only be utilised by certified professionals – and of course, we’re qualified!

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